Amazon A+ Content Design
Amazon A+ Content Design is one of the most important tools brands use to boost visibility and increase sales on the Amazon platform.

AMZ Brand Registry

EBC Content A+

AMZ Store Front Design

AMZ Listing Creation

AMZ Brand Slider Design

AMZ Products Research

Listing Image Editing

Package Design

Package Design

AMZ PPC Campaign
What is Amazon A+ Content?
Amazon A+ Content, also known as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC), offers vendors a unique opportunity to differentiate their brand and products from their competitors.
A+ content lives below the fold – often in a “From the Manufacturer” section – on a traditional product page. It is typically comprised of rich-media units that provide flexibility and brand credibility.
Enhanced Brand Content
While above-the-fold content gives users the “what” in their decision-making process, Enhanced Brand Content gives them the “why.”
Above the Fold and Below the Fold A+ Content

How do You Create Amazon A+ Content?
To create Amazon A+ content, you have to enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry. That lets them know you either own the brand or are authorized by the owner of the brand to manage Amazon A+ content on their behalf.
After your brand has been verified by Amazon, you will get access to the Amazon Brand Registry tools that will help you kick your on-site branding into high gear. Those tools include:
• A+ Content
• Sponsored Brands
• Amazon Stores
• New Seller Incentives

Why Do Brands Use Amazon A+ Content?
Well over half of U.S. online consumers start their product search at Amazon. And the vast majority land directly on a product catalog or display page. That’s great from a sales perspective. And that suits Amazon just fine. But that customer has bypassed your brand experience entirely.
A+ Content = Enhanced Brand Content
That’s where A+ Content comes in. It’s your best chance to remind consumers why they fell in love with your product in the first place. And if you are new to the market, it’s your chance to tell them why your brand is so great to begin with.
Amazon A+ Content Benefits
Comparison charts are the ideal tool for cross-selling.

What is Premium A+ Content?
Amazon A+ Premium Pages offer even greater creative and functional potential than their standard cousins. Whereas standard A+ Pages are free to both vendors and sellers, A+ Premium pages require a significant investment.
Are A+ Premium Pages Worth It?
Despite their premium price tag, all of the clients that we work with that have tested A+ Premium, have gone on to develop even more premium content. Amazon, and our own clients, report increased sales and a higher conversion rate when they use this powerful tool.
Amazon A+ Premium
Featuring larger module sizes, mobile-responsive design, and more interactive tools (which consumers love) makes Amazon A+ Premium a worthy investment.